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Thursday, May 21, 2009
Oh for the love of Liberty!
It is my personal belief that what goes on in state government is a microcosm of federal government. In this case, there are the tea party protestors who protest the ever expanding power federal government, and are sick and tired of greedy politicians who care only about winning elections, and the California people shoot down every single tax increase handed down to them by the legislature. Has Washington got the message? People don’t want more government, they want more personal liberties, and they want those liberties defended. Government has no business running auto makers, banks, insurance companies, or states.
On the flip side, the voter turnout was less than spectacular, so why do I predict that the federal government will run the state of California, and set a terrible precedent for the end of individual state rights? It’s simple really. If California, a state that voted for Obama to the tune of 2 to 1, adopts more conservative fiscal policies. The Democrats would lose 56 electoral votes in a winner take all state, a crippling blow to the party. With put the usual support of that state of California during the presidential race, the party doesn’t have a leg to stand on. If the Obama administration could manage the dealings of state problems similar to how he dealt with the auto industry, he could exercise executive control of the states, and essentially guarantee all of their electoral votes. But how? How about a bailout!!!
Despair not fellow Americans, there is hope. Montana, Utah, Texas, and Nevada are adopting a law that would exempt any gun manufactured and sold within the border of their respective states from federal regulation. While many would write this off as just a gun law, I see this as the first step in reclaiming individual state rights. When Thomas Jefferson first laid out the frame work of our nation’s government, the local governments had the most legislative power, while the federal government had only ten powers. Today it’s become quite backwards, which leads me to my next point.
The reason corruption has taken over in our society, especially in our government, is because we have let the minority dictate the language of all of the arguments. We should call progressivism what is really is, progressively socialistic. Socialism in America has been tried before. When Jamestown was first settled, the leaders decided at first that everyone would contribute to a common store, and everyone would take what they needed from it. The settlement almost didn’t last the winter. What then happened was that the leaders decided instead to adopt the “He who does not work, does not eat” approach. Socialism destroys entrepreneurship, innovation, investment, risk, initiative, all of which has made our country to prosper for over 200 years.
There is however, another political movement that champions fiscal responsibility, national security, and some good old fashioned common sense. Enter Libertarianism, a political movement championed by people such as Penn Gillette, and Glen Beck. I personally have my own reservations about Libertarianism, but that’s for another time. Imagine how much better our country would be with a 3 major political parties. You have the Democratic-Socialist Party who pushes for liberal social policy and socialistic economic policy, the Republican Party who pushes for conservative social and economic policy, and the Libertarian Party who has less liberal social views, but less stringent economic opinions. Good things come in threes when businesses compete for consumers dollars. Only good can come from having three major political parties compete for taxpayer votes.
I promise there are videos coming, just please be patient. I promise that the videos will have some humor injected, where appropriate of course.
“I personally believe that Thomas Jefferson intentionally put the word ‘pursuit’ in front of happiness when writing our Bill of Rights because if we had a right to happiness, we wouldn’t know what it was.”
Yours Truly
Sunday, May 17, 2009
I Took the Red Pill!
Dear Fellow Americans,
When I last posted, I briefly touched on just how big a trillion dollars is, I didn’t realize that it would generate the kind of reaction that it did. In a brief conversation with a friend of my mothers, I took a quick poll of the room of just how long people thought a trillion seconds was. Gasps filled the patio when I told them the answer. Followed almost immediately with “…and he wants to spend how much?” “…he would have to raise taxes by how much?” In order to pay for all the programs he wants to put in place or expand, without increasing the deficit, the American taxpayer would be on the hook for %81 of their income. This would include cap and trade policies, Social Security, Medicare, welfare, education, (like teaching Chinese prostitutes how to drink responsibly on the job. Ooh how about mob business management taught by Dale Rathke, or pipe bomb construction with William Ayers.) If I see my payroll deductions go a single tick over %50, I’m moving to Israel.
I am sure you are all aware of the voter registration fraud allegations concerning the Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now, but few know about just how deep the rabbit-hole goes. Only one cable television program has had the gall to pursue the story, and only a handful of politicians even seem interested in making sure that ACORN’s guilt or innocence is proven definitively. Let’s wind back the clocks a little ways. Dale Rathke was asked to leave ACORN over allegations that he embezzled $1 million. Both Dale and Wade left ACORN by February 2, 2008. They went on to be executive managers of Citizens Consulting Incorporated, the financial arm of ACORN. To repay the money that he stole, they had another organization under the CCI umbrella repay the money. A Google search of CCI turned up a website The only thing on that page is a logo, a Louisiana phone number, and the address 1024 Elysian Fields Avenue, New Orleans, LA 70117. Further research reveals that over 270 different organizations claim this address as home, which includes Social Policy Magazine (3 guesses as to whom is on the cover.) Google Maps shows that this address is an old funeral home.
Just over a week ago, ACORN was indicted in two states for voter registration fraud, Nevada on Monday, and Pennsylvania on Thursday. Five days later, a bill was passed which contained legislation that would prohibit any organization from receiving federal monies if they were being indicted on charges of voter registration fraud. Shortly after it passed, Barney Frank had that particular piece of legislation ‘amended’ (removed). Coincidence? I don’t believe in coincidence, especially in politics. I personally believe that ACORN is every bit as corrupt as Al Capone’s crime family, and I’m out to prove it, or disprove it. I demand the truth, and so should you.
What are the two main focuses of the current administration? Euthinization (Government Health Care), and the Breathing tax (Cap and Trade) policies right? Who is the most adamantly pro Obama news network, almost to a fault? (BS, I mean MS, NBC) Who owns MSNBC? (General Electric). What company has made green the new black through their new advertising campaign? (General Electric) Turns out, GE just hired Dr Thomas Frieden, President Obama’s first pick as the Director of Health and Human Services. If Cap and Trade, and universal health care policies are passed, General Electric will be in position to receive a no-bid government contract for both health care technologies, and green chemistry research contracts, and the average American household will be on the hook for $1600 per year. The federal government would essentially fund a mainstream media outlet with taxpayer dollars. If Halliburton owned Fox News while they had a no bid contract, there would be outrageous media coverage, and a massive federal investigation. That in my honest opinion is simply outrageous.
These stories go beyond left and right, or conservative and liberal. This is about right and wrong, just and unjust. I promise you all that I will strive to do my best to deliver all intellectually defendable points of view on every subject I cover. In the mean time, I suggest that you visit the website
“…the Lord causes the sun to shine upon the holy and the evil, and the rain to fall upon the just and the unjust…”
Matthew 5:45
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Where does it end?
Dear Americans,
I have chosen today to announce who I think will be the perfect candidate for president. I’ll give you a hint. He ran for president in 2008, and has received favorable reactions from the audiences of both The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. (Both hosted on the Viacom Network Comedy Central) I won’t let you hurt yourself much longer; it’s Mike Huckabee, former governor of Arkansas. Why you ask? Here are a few fast facts. He was a Republican governor in a very Democratic state for over 10 years, which means that not only does he have a lot of executive government experience, but he managed to push a lot of conservative policies that proved to be of great benefit to his state (He left the state with a SURPLUS!) including tax deductions, educational reform, and pro life policies. But what impressed me even more than these things was how he ran during the 2008 primaries. He managed to take second place in the Iowa straw poll (Mitt Romney won with 31 percent of the vote) spending only 58 dollars per vote, while Romney spent over $1000 a vote. And Huckabee went on to win the Iowa primary, and was the last man standing in the national primary behind John McCain losing in Missouri by one and half percent in a winner take all state. If Huckabee can run that well on as little as he had, imagine what he could do with the full political and financial backing of the Republican Party. I highly encourage you to pick up his newest book titled. “Do the Right Thing” Did I mention that he’s Chuck Norris approved?
Catherine Sibelius was confirmed today based on the ‘news’ of a swine flu ‘pandemic’ and the first thing she asked for was 1billion dollars. (Remember, she is the president’s second choice for the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The first one came under fire in much the same Timothy Guithner did with tax issues, and the fact that Sibelius’s campaign was funded by doctors who administer partial birth abortions) This all happens all the while the World Health Organization says that it’s only a flu variant, and there are only 7 confirmed deaths worldwide. This administration is passing spending bills like John Edwards at a beauty parlor. (In case you didn’t know, he’s the dumb guy who ran for president a while ago, and spent $400 on a haircut,) And it’s all under the guise of either “this is an extreme emergency”, or “this crisis was handed to me” and you the tax-payer, are left to pay the bill to the tune of over 32,000 dollars per person for their unnecessary haste this year alone.
A couple of weeks ago, I talked about the National Debt and Deficit, and how it now totals around 12.5 trillion dollars. Let me illustrate for you exactly what a trillion is. If federal government spent 1 dollar every second it would spend 86,400 dollars in a 24 hour day, or 31,536,000 dollars in a 365 day year, or over 126,144,000 over 1 presidential term. How long is a trillion seconds ago? I’m 21 years old so that’s roughly 662,256,000 seconds ago. My mother is roughly 42 so that’s 1,324,512,000 seconds ago. Years were being counted as AD instead of BC 63,324,288,000 seconds ago. Experts place the beginning of human history according to the Bible as roughly 189,499,824,000 seconds ago (6,009 years). 315,360,000,000 seconds will add up to be 10,000 years. If my math serves me correctly, it takes just a tick under 31,710 years for a trillion seconds to expire. Now that we have established this, I’ll put it into even more perspective. If the federal government were spending a dollar every single second, it would take 396,372 years to spend twelve and a half trillion dollars. If that doesn’t scare you, 1 trillion dollars would make a stack of $100 bills approximately 986.43 miles high.
In conclusion, the protesters at the April 15 tea parties were absolutely right to be fed up with the out of control spending, and general disregard for taxpaying Americans. I am sick and tired of being marginalized as a mere constituent, and politicians that toy with our national security, and our hard earned money. I’m not saying that there aren’t good people on Capitol Hill, but we need to be actively involved in the process of voting for policies and representatives that will uphold what is right and righteous instead of the dying ideals of left and right. This is a fight that we can win, and must win.
Glen Beck will be performing live in Kansas City on June 4th and will be broadcast live nationwide to a theater near you. Tickets are now on sale. Log on to for details, and be sure to subscribe to his daily news letter. Seriously, this guy gets it.
Next time, I’ll talk about what’s making me shoot blood out of my eye sockets. Injustice, scandal, corporate greed, and talking heads will all feel the lash sometime next week. Also, if you can prove that I posted something in this blog that is false, or you have any insight into a particular subject, please let me know. My goal is to deliver opinion based on the facts. You can also follow me on Twitter at Dear Americans, always remember …
“…When the people fear their government, there is tyranny. When the government fears the people, there is liberty.” – Thomas Jefferson