Baldwin Becerra Brady (PA) Brown, Corrine Butterfield Capuano Carson (IN) Castor (FL) Cleaver Clyburn Crowley Cummings Davis (IL) DeGette Delahunt Doyle Edwards (MD) Ellison Engel Fattah Filner Fudge Green, Al Grijalva Hinchey | Hirono Holt Honda Jackson (IL) Jackson-Lee (TX) Johnson, E. B. Kilpatrick (MI) Kucinich Larsen (WA) Lee (CA) Lewis (GA) Lynch Markey (MA) McCollum McDermott McGovern Meeks (NY) Mollohan Moore (WI) Moran (VA) Nadler (NY) Neal (MA) Olver Pallone Pascrell | Payne Polis (CO) Price (NC) Rahall Rangel Roybal-Allard Rush Sánchez, Linda T. Schakowsky Scott (GA) Scott (VA) Serrano Sherman Sires Slaughter Stark Thompson (MS) Towns Tsongas Velázquez Waters Watson Waxman Wexler Woolsey |
I'm embarassed. Emanuel Cleaver is my representative, and he voted 'nay'. (I can already see the T-Shirts, 'Cleaver for underage illegal alien prostitution') Actually i'm not too surprised, SEIU is one of his biggest campaign contributors, and am I not suprised to see Dianne Watson (the race-baiting Castro lover), Henry Waxman (the ugly one who sits on the commerce and energy committee), and ... CHARLIE RANGLE (the one who failed to report 2.4 million dollars on his taxes) among the noes list.
There were some surprising names for the yea votes. (Conyers, the guy who said that the powers that be decided against a federal ACORN investigation), and Al Franken (former Air America host and SEIU's 3rd largest recipient in campaign funds). Some prominent names were missing from the vote altogether (Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Frank)
If your congressman is named in the list above, VOTE THEM OUT.
In my article titled "Impeccable Timing', Nancy Pelosi names Phil Angelides to chair the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission. He just so happens to chair the Apollo Alliance (they drafted the stimulus bill we love so much), and ACORN. To make things even muckier, ACORN announced who will perform their internal investigation the notables are..
- John Podesta, President and CEO, Center for American Progress
- Andrew 'Andy' Stern, International President, SEIU
- Eric Eve, Senior VP of Global Consumer Group, Community Relations, Citigroup
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